jueves, 31 de agosto de 2017

Sistema locomotor

Trabajamos en grupos:

Integrantes:Manuel L,Sofia,Juan y Nicole

Actividades realizadas:
*recolección de información
*acuerdos para seleccionarla
*organización de contenido en diapositivas
*búsqueda de imágenes
*armado de la presentación
*exposición oral

viernes, 11 de agosto de 2017

Inphographic (Part 2)

Hi! In school we were reading chapter six of (the not perfect hat club), we do a discission. Then we  have to do a inphoraphic of Jabber or Kylee (they aré characters of the novel).
In this case I choose Kylee.

Here is my inphographic .

miércoles, 2 de agosto de 2017

Lerning from owr mistakes

Agter reading chapter 7 of "The not perfect hat clubs" by Jena Ball, wetalked and reflected about mistakes. We wrote paragraphs with our reflection.

Here is my reflection: 

When i was 4 years old.I asked to my mom can you take me up? And when my mom took me up she started with a back hurt.yes, I could solve it finally because I said sorry to my mom and she went to the hospital.
I think that I can connect this with Newton because he hurt jabber and I hurt my mom.

This piture is from:

Oscar Wilde

Next year we are visiting UK! That's why, our literature teacher proposed us to  work in groups with different authors and eras of the p...