martes, 24 de abril de 2018

Presentation in groups

In class we has work in a Google presentation. We had work in the concepts of Enviromental Managment and also we saw a vídeo together that explains the concepts. Here is my Google presentation, Enjoy it!

"Soy un viajero del mundo"

luego de trabajar con el proyecto "Soy un viajero del mundo" armamos una presentación sobre algún viaje que hallamos hecho , y yo elegí mi viaje a New york hecho en el 2013.
espero que les guste mi presentación y que puedan aprender nueva información sobre algunos de los lugares turísticos de esta ciudad.

 Para más información haga click aquí.


We are working in a project called Innovation.
We watched a video about an innovative tent that are making a better world.
We made a pic collage presentation about innovation shoes.
      *Innovation means something new that shok people in world.

jueves, 5 de abril de 2018

miércoles, 4 de abril de 2018

One day in the beach

In the english class we wrote a anectdote to share with you here is my anectdote:
Enjoy it!

                                     One day in the beach

 When I went to Brazil, I went to a banana boat that is an inflatable with a shape of banana and it's hooked to a boat.
 When Was there it was so beautiful until the boat ran out of  petrol.I was nervous and scared because we were in the open sea.
 But some time later the people who were driveing the boat fixed it so we could go again tothe beach.

Oscar Wilde

Next year we are visiting UK! That's why, our literature teacher proposed us to  work in groups with different authors and eras of the p...