sábado, 27 de junio de 2020

Modernising The USSR: Industrialisation

Finishing with the topic of Russia we did oral presentations. My group was formed by Lola Fernandez Cosentino, Aylin De Angelis, Juana Ravenna, Valentina Gavilán and me. And we worked in Industrialisation.
Here is my presentation, enjoy it!

We Are Bolsheviks... We Are The Future

Have you ever think about what poster would catch your attention if you were Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution? I suggest you to think about it and create your own poster! With Florencia Estevez we created a beautiful poster, hope you like it!

Surely you wonder why we did it that way, Well I will explain why. We used red because is the main colour of the Bolsheviks. Also, we used yellow because it is an attractive colour. In the same way, we used black and grey because they are useful colours for details and words, among others. We used that slogan because it's talking in a good way of the Bolsheviks so maybe it helps to have more people on their side. We draw and image of Stalin talking to the public, because in that way we show Lenin´s “power”. Finally, we added the Bolsheviks flag, to represents the Bolsheviks nation and what they wanted.

Family trees

Before we started making the Tsar Family Tree, we made our Family Tree to practice. When I was doing the family tree of Nicholas II, I realized that his family was extremely big!
Here's my family tree and Nicholas's. I hope you like them!

viernes, 26 de junio de 2020

RUSSIA: March 1917 to October 1917

If you're intrested in what happened in Russia between March 1917 and October 1917 you can see my timeline. It's very complete and intresting. Hope you like it!

Russia: 1900 to 1905

If you are intrested in what happened in Russia between 1900 and 1905 you should see this timeline that I did with Florencia Estevez. Enjoy it!

domingo, 14 de junio de 2020

Habilidades Para La Vida

En ésta 1er etapa del año aprendí cuáles son las habilidades para la vida y que son.Estos temas me aportaron bastante información que no sabía o que no había visto con tanta profundidad. Aprendí que La Organización Mundial de la Salud define las habilidades para la vida como "la habilidad de una persona para enfrentarse exitosamente a las exigencias y desafíos de la vida diaria”. Además aprendí que tengo muchas habilidades que no encontaba. Por lo tanto, este tema me ayudo a conocerme mejor.
Si estás buscando más información sobre las diez habilidades emocionales, te recomiendo la siguiente página web: https://www.habilidadesparalavida.net/# .

A lo largo de ésta primer etapa nos centramos solo en algunas de las habilidades y algunas de ellas las podrán ver explicadas en la siguiente presentación realizada por mi.

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2020

¡Mis Obras De Arte!

Al terminar el 1er trimestre realicé una presentación sobre los trabajos hechos hasta el momento.A lo largo de esta primera etapa aprendimos a dibujar perspectiva,superponer figuras y aprendimos una nueva forma de pintar con acuarelas.Además practicamos la técnica del lápiz y los tonos de grises.
A continuación podrán ver mis trabajos realizados hasta el momento.
¡Espero que les guste!

Oscar Wilde

Next year we are visiting UK! That's why, our literature teacher proposed us to  work in groups with different authors and eras of the p...